Input into WGCNA and Error on constructNetworks on RNA-Seq data - unique rownames
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5 months ago
shasabhi1 • 0


I have two questions:

  1. Is Z-scaled data or Pareto-scaled counts data from RNA-Seq appropriate as input into WGCNA (or the multiWGCNA package (if this is known))?

  2. I have tried using multiWGCNA to analyze RNA-Seq data across two strains and two tissue types. I have rownames that correspond to ENSEMBL IDs but I'm getting the error:

error in .rownamesdf<-(x, value = value) : duplicate 'row.names' are not allowed.

I have checked that each row has a unique ID by using the function

 rownames(df) = make.names(rownames(df), unique = TRUE)

and have separately added unique numbers to each ID to 'tag' it.

Please advise on why this might be happening if possible!

Best, shasabhi1

rownames RNA-Seq WGCNA unique • 227 views

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