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8 months ago
I drew a bar-plot of GO analysis. I would like to modify the range of p-value from 0 to 0.05. How can I do this?
The following is an example of the p-value range of the bar-plot I drew.
Try adding:
scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0, max_count, by=0.05))
When I run the code, the following message appears:
What does this mean?
If you write me the code you used I can help you more
It is just a warning that you add a new scale to a ggplot2 plot, that already has an existing one, which will get replaced. Nothing to worry about.
I recommend familiarizing yourself with the basic concepts of the ggplot2 package, since you seem to be creating multiple plots, e.g. for a paper, and that familiarity will help you tons. For example, you are showing here a continuous color scale, but since you mentioned that you actually want a bar plot, Marco had to infer that you are asking to modify the y-axis scale. (On a side note: I am not sure how informative a bar plot of significant GO categories actually is for your audience)