I have a list of microRNA families among which some are named in the form of "miR-10-5p". However, some microRNA family names have forward slash in them, e.g., "miR-1-3p/206". I want to use the Web API of ENCORI or starBase databse to obtain the ceRNA data for the miRNA families.
I used the following curl command in shell for retrieving the data of a microRNA families without slashes in their names:
curl 'https://rnasysu.com/encori/api/ceRNA/?assembly=hg38&geneType=mRNA&ceRNA=all&miRNAnum=2&family=miR-10-5p&pval=0.01&fdr=0.01&pancancerNum=0' >ENCORI_hg38_ceRNA-network_all.txt
This command works properly.
However for the microRNA families with slashes in their names, the following equivalent command does not work.
curl 'https://rnasysu.com/encori/api/ceRNA/?assembly=hg38&geneType=mRNA&ceRNA=all&miRNAnum=2&family=miR-1-3p/206&pval=0.01&fdr=0.01&pancancerNum=0' >ENCORI_hg38_ceRNA-network_all.txt
I tried replacing '/' with '%2F' but it still does not work.
curl 'https://rnasysu.com/encori/api/ceRNA/?assembly=hg38&geneType=mRNA&ceRNA=all&miRNAnum=2&family=miR-1-3p%2F206&pval=0.01&fdr=0.01&pancancerNum=0' >ENCORI_hg38_ceRNA-network_all.txt
How should I mention the microRNA families with slashes in their names in the curl command?