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8 months ago
REQUIRED for all errors and issues: a) GATK version used:
b) Exact command used:
gatk GenomicsDBImport [GVCFS] --geomicsdb-workspace-path test1 --intervals chr20
gatk GenotypeGVCFs -R references/hs38DH.fa -V gendb://test1 -O test1.vcf
c) Entire program log: The tools ran accordingly, but the VCF output after joint had no variants.
My question is: Does gVCF files from DRAGEN can be used for the joint calling using the GenomicsDB workflow?
I think I did it once, but why would you use GATK with DRAGEN gVCF files? If you have a DRAGEN, the iterative gVCF Genotyper does a much faster and easier job.