Does anyone have experience with RNAmmer? On my new machine it gives an error after running it every time. I have tried to edit the file to understand it better and so the error message might be slightly different than yours. I altered SIG{INT} to produce a line number, and the line number could be a couple of lines off due to the SIG{INT} code. I would appreciate any insight into the error, as the authors are not returning my email...
[lkatz@localhost cholerae]$ rnammer -S bac -multi -m tsu,lsu,ssu -gff tmp/build/prediction/rnammer.gff -xml tmp/build/prediction/rnammer.xml -f tmp/build/prediction/rnammer.ffn tmp/assembly.fasta
/home/lkatz/bin/rnammer/rnammer: main::fault_exit:
/home/lkatz/bin/rnammer/rnammer: main::fault_exit:
/home/lkatz/bin/rnammer/rnammer: main::fault_exit:
/home/lkatz/bin/rnammer/rnammer: : Could not open temp file './25729.lsu.xml' for reading: No such file or directory at /home/lkatz/bin/rnammer/rnammer line 223, <> line 4382.
[lkatz@localhost cholerae]$ ls temp.25729.fsa tmp temp.25729.xml
Some insight: 4382 is the number of lines in my fasta input.
$HMMSEARCH_BINARY wasn't set, nevermind...