Gjain ★ 5.8k
Role: Moderator
Status: Active
Reputation: 5790
Joined: 13.2 years ago
Twitter: @gauravjain49
Last seen: 17 months ago
Location: Bengaluru, India

Bioinformatician with extensive experience in genomics and epigenomics. In-depth knowledge of computational biology and machine learning methodologies. 

• Languages: Python, Perl, R, HTML/HTML5, PHP, Javascript, AJAX, Shell scripting, C/C++, Octave
• Big Data: Next generation sequencing, Statistical and bioinformatics data analysis, Machine learning algorithms

• High-throughput Assays: Chromosome Conformation Capture (3C)-based techniques (5C, Hi-C), ChIPseq, RNAseq

• Databases: MySQL, Oracle

• Other: UNIX/Linux, High performance cluster computing (HPCC), Linux server management, Vector graphics/illustration tools

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