We are seeking a skilled Bioinformatician Data Analyst to join our Bioinformatics team. Edinburgh Genomics is a major facility serving the UK research community. The facility's portfolio of techniques is growing dynamically and as part of our operations, we deliver high-impact informatic analyses of the data we produce. The post-holder will have core responsibilities in performing high-quality data analysis on a range of data types generated in Edinburgh Genomics from all our sequencing instrumentation, and delivered from other sequencing and genomics centres. The post includes roles in development and implementation of best-practice systems for genome assembly, transcriptome analysis and variant identification and classification.
The post-holder must have graduate qualifications in bioinformatics or computing applied to biological questions, to MSc level or above, and a high level of skill and several years' demonstrable experience in data analysis (particularly in the next-generation genomics area), programming and understanding of workbench and pipelining systems. Excellent project management, communication, team working, science writing, and presentation skills are essential.
Application procedure:
For more information regarding job description, requirements, conditions and how to apply you should go to: https://www.vacancies.ed.ac.uk/pls/corehrrecruit/erq_jobspec_version_4.jobspec?p_id=031138
The closing date is Thursday, 4th September 2014.
Fixed Term for 8 months.