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10.3 years ago
Hi guys,
I'm learning Lositan to find outliers from SNP. I think because my number of SNP (115740) exceed to the capability of Lositan, it stopped at the calculating step.
I think the Biopython version may revolve this problem, but I don't know how to execute your python script. Would anyone like give some instructions? or do you have any other idea to resolve the large data set?
All the best, Jianli
You are using the large marker version right? http://www.popgen.net/soft/lositan/3264.html
Hi Tiagoantao,
I used the large marker version.
Hi Tiagoantao,
I get the java console error report. Do you have more suggestion? Thank you.
I get the same error, although my dataset has 8189 SNPs. Did you ever resolve the issue?
What is the error you received? What versions of the software are you using?
Hi Sean,
There was no error report. I'm using the latest Lositan.
Thank you.
Do you happen to know what the maximum amount allowed is?
If so you could use the unix split command to split into files for processing in Lositan.
Hi Smilefreak,
I think my number is beyond the maximum amount.
Do you know how to split the file using unix command?
Thank you.