Hi all, I used to use e-value <= 1e-5 for getting any meaningful blast alignment results. Just saw this statement in BLAST FAQ
"The lower the E-value, or the closer it is to zero, the more "significant" the match is. However, keep in mind that virtually identical short alignments have relatively high E values. This is because the calculation of the E value takes into account the length of the query sequence."
That makes me wondering if e-value<=1e-5 is good or too strict for illumina 90bp pair-end data with insert size ~150bp (yeah, a small bit overlapped. I just put 10 N between readA and readB for blasting)? The word short can be tricky here. Any suggestion or 'rule of thumb' kind of experience is welcome. Thanks in advanced.
Why are you using BLAST? Dat's craycray.