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10.2 years ago
I'm trying to use the SEED API (described in this 2012 publication and here): after the first try with the example number 6 (annotation of protein sequences) I've got an error message like this.
$VAR1 = {
'Status' => '500 error in body of cgi processing',
'Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1',
'>>> MySQL Error' => 'Host \'ash.mcs.anl.gov\' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with \'mysqladmin flush-hosts\' at /vol/kmer-server-prod/FIGdisk.server/dist/releases/cvs.1327514006/linux-rhel5-x86_64/lib/FigKernelPackages/DBKernel.pm line 187'
Which I guess it means that this API is not maintained at all.
Has anyone had the same problem? Any suggestion on how to access the SEED resources programmatically?