I am running Lositan for the first time. Running with example file is OK. My file contains 96 individuals in 2 populations with 2278 loci. When I load the file I see that it reads 2622 loci and 2 populations but does not do the Fst/He calculations. When I press run, I see at the top a yellow banner saying simulations are running but nothing else happens. I use Oracle java version 8_40 on Ubuntu 14.04 server with 16 cores and 128 RAM. I have tested the input file with R diveRsity package and it reads it OK. The file is in format of all loci are in the same line separated by comma. The input file can be found in: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5hftly00y1ascpt/popgene.csv?dl=0.
Any help would be appreciated
Thank you
You mean lositan, no? Not "lostian".I've corrected it now.