I did it only for chr21 produced an output file of 1.1 Gb and it took 3 minutes on 1 cpu at 2.67 Ghz. The more chromosomes you include and the longer they are, the longer it will take. Note: when you do this for the complete human genome, (1 row per base in the output) you get a file of 3 billion rows!
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updated 2.7 years ago by
written 9.9 years ago by
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hey i have extracted chr21 from bam using samtools it took 1min then did per base coverage with bedtools coverage
Hey thanks for the reply but the first command is taking time..i have given genome file which bedtools provided. need help.
Can you please explain how to do the same with GATK.
Actually the only thing that this genome file needs to contain is:
Optionally you can remove the chrs for which you have no interest, can you try that?
pls mention how much time it will take for first command..
I did it only for chr21 produced an output file of 1.1 Gb and it took 3 minutes on 1 cpu at 2.67 Ghz. The more chromosomes you include and the longer they are, the longer it will take. Note: when you do this for the complete human genome, (1 row per base in the output) you get a file of 3 billion rows!
hey i have extracted chr21 from bam using samtools it took 1min then did per base coverage with bedtools coverage
So it worked? Nice job!
yes it worked thanks
how to find the no of reads matched in chr21 region? any visualization blocks?