I have downloaded a few tissue bam files from illumina body map from the link ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-81/bamcov/homo_sapiens/genebuild/
Now to get the read counts from each of the tissue sample bam files, I did HTSeq analysis. But unfortunately for a few tissues it worked really well but for a few tissues it ended up showing different error each time I run HTSeq analysis.
The HTSeq command I am using for processing bam files is
samtools view GRCh38.illumina.ovary.1.bam |\
htseq-count -i gene_id - Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.80.gtf > htseq.ovary.results.txt
shows an error
Error occured when processing SAM input (line 2):
'pair_alignments' needs a sequence of paired-end alignments
[Exception type: ValueError, raised in __init__.py:603]
I tried sorting the sam files too, but still it didn't work :( Showed error:
Error occured when reading beginning of SAM/BAM file.
[Exception type: StopIteration, raised in count.py:88]
How to solve this issue please help, someone!
The error is clear this time.
SAM line does not contain at least 11 tab-delimited fields.', 'line 1'
there is something wrong with your file. Why don't you paste few linesI am sorry for the delay in response, this is how to file looks like
Thanks, the issue was solved using the following commands