Job:Bioinformatics Scientist, Seven Bridges, Cambridge, MA
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8.5 years ago
ilene.brown ▴ 20

You can help scientists do genomics because you know the field: you understand the questions that shape the discipline, how scientists address those questions, and what features of software are important for those purposes. You are well-versed in computational biology, genomics, and software development. You will develop custom bioinformatic solutions that are robust and scalable. You will coordinate with Scientific Account Managers and other bioinformaticians.

About Seven Bridges

Seven Bridges is building the most advanced cloud computing platform for genomics data analysis on the market. We democratize genomics by enabling researchers anywhere to process and understand genomic data faster and more efficiently than ever---at any scale. This allows them to focus on advancing their fields and making personalized medicine a reality.

The flexibility of our platform, in the hands of our large team of experts, allows us to collaborate with a wide variety of distinguished pharmaceutical, health-care, and academic partners. We help these partners investigate and treat all kinds of genetic disorders. We are also excited to have been selected to participate in the National Cancer Institute's Cancer Cloud Pilot program, which will accelerate and expand our vision.


We are seeking multiple Bioinformatics Scientists within the scientific project management team. As a Bioinformatics Scientist, you will work directly with the largest research institutions in the world in order to help solve their bioinformatics challenges. In this role, you will help move projects forward across their entire lifecycle. This includes gathering user expectations and requirements, helping prospective customers to develop custom bioinformatic analysis solutions that are robust and scalable, and coordinating with the Scientific Account Managers and other bioinformatic scientists. You will develop new bioinformatics tools and approaches for analyzing and visualizing large, complex genomic data sets. Perform bioinformatics research and development for genome analysis and provide research expertise to engineering team. Take part in collaborations and scientific research in specific areas of Bioinformatics.

Seven Bridges works with some of the largest research organizations in the world, which means you will, too. You can expect to work with individual research groups and departments at top ten universities, pharmaceutical companies, and large consortia. On a regular basis, you can expect to develop, optimize, and apply tools and workflows for processing and analyzing biological data. You will evaluate tools and report to the project team to define, validate and implement software in order to improve our product and help researchers around the world.

Successful Bioinformatics Scientists enjoy learning about products, becoming an expert user of them, and teaching other people how to use them. They are adept in software development and have a deep understanding of biology and genomics. And they are very people-oriented and eager to work to resolve problems and to maintain a positive and productive relationship.

An ideal candidate has:

  • PhD in computational biology, bioinformatics, or statistics (or foreign equivalent degree) is required
  • Relevant experience or skills in computational biology, bioinformatics, machine learning, or statistics
  • Proficiency with several of the following technologies: Java, C/C++, R, Python, Perl, and Unix
  • Proficient in next-generation sequencing data analysis and variant analysis
  • Great presentation skills
  • The proven ability to use, troubleshoot, and teach software.
  • Strong communication skills and the ability to work effectively with others
  • The willingness to travel to meet customers and attend conferences (~10%)

We also think that...

  • Previous experience with large-scale genomic data (e.g. RNA-seq, Exome-seq, ChIP-seq, etc.) is a big plus.
  • Strong publication record in top tier scientific journals to include first author publications is also a big plus.

We are looking for a strong cultural fit, as we value our team more than anything else and we like to learn from each other and share knowledge. In return, we offer a relaxed and open work environment, great work conditions, and first-hand involvement in one of the most exciting fields of science on the forefront of establishing the foundations of modern personalized medicine.

If you would like to help us advance genomics at our leading, well-funded, and dynamic startup, please apply here.

Thank you for your interest in Seven Bridges. However, due to the high volume of submissions, we will only contact those candidates whose skills and qualifications most closely suit our needs.

genomics statistics machine-learning R Python • 3.6k views

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