I am trying to calculate the coverage of features in a gff file and a bed file containing the windows.
The bed file (windows_test.bed), note 0 based:
chr1 0 50 1
chr1 50 100000 2
The gff file (test.gff), note 1 based:
chr1 Program HS4 51 100353571 5 + 0 .
The score for this feature is 5
When I run bedtools coverage I get (note, using version v2.22.1 "Returns the depth and breadth of coverage of features from A on the intervals in B":
bedtools coverage -a test.gff -b windows_test.bed
chr1 50 100000 2 1 99950 99950 1.0000000
chr1 0 50 1 0 0 50 0.0000000
I get the total number of features in the chr1 50 100000 range (1) but not the total scores (5), how can I do to get this?