Job:PhD Student in Bioinformatics/Biostatistics at MPI Infection Biology, Berlin
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8.3 years ago

The Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology (MPIIB,, Department of Molecular Biology, Berlin, Germany, is seeking for the earliest possible start date a PhD Student in Bioinformatics/Biostatistics for a project aiming to apply system biology methods to the analysis of functional high- throughput data of host–pathogen interactions.

Chlamydia trachomatis is an obligate intracellular bacterium with relevance for a number of infectious diseases and has been linked to cervical and ovarian cancers. Our lab has generated extensive high-throughput genome-wide data sets on functional, transcriptional and genomic characteristics following C. trachomatis infection. We also participate in consortia planning to generate more such data sets from various levels. However, a systematic understanding of the interplay between several layers of host and bacterial regulation is still lacking.

We seek a highly motivated candidate to contribute to challenging projects and to establish novel methods which allow a system-wide integration of functional screens as well as transcriptomic and genomic data sets. The candidate would also be involved in the planning and, if desired, the generation of novel datasets complementing the large corpus of existing data.

A suitable applicant will have a diploma or master’s degree in Bioinformatics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Statistics or Biology with strong computational skills. The candidate should be experienced in the statistics package R/Bioconductor and familiar with a scripting language such as PERL or Python. Knowledge of high-level languages (e.g. Java, C++) and familiarity with SQL Databases (MySQL, Postgres) is desirable. Experience with computational work should be complemented by a good understanding of biological questions and data sets. Expertise in sequencing data analysis is advantageous. Excellent communication and team player skills are indispensable.

The successful candidate will work as part of an innovative, multidisciplinary and dynamic research team with state-of-the-art facilities, located within a vibrant city environment. The PhD Project will be conducted in close collaboration with professional experts. PhD training and position will be offered for up to three years.

The Max Planck Society is committed to employing more handicapped individuals and especially encourages them to apply. The Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.

Applications will be accepted exclusively via our online application portal. Please follow the link:

Please upload a cover letter, CV, publication list and names and addresses of at least three referees by 25.06.2016.

Systems-Biology PhD • 3.6k views
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suitable applicant will have a diploma or master’s degree in Bioinformatics

Is a Master's degree absolutely necessary? I have worked for 1 year 7 months as a bioinformatician, with just Bachelor's in computational science, am I eligible?


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