I am trying to run GATK on a whole genome. However my files (8) are in unmapped bam format. So do I have to merge the bam files first (Picard MergeSamFiles) into a single file before using BWA mem and subsequently MergeBamAlignment?
Also according to this tutorial (https://software.broadinstitute.org/gatk/documentation/article?id=6483) even though I have a uBam, I still have to convert it to fastq at an intermediate step. Is this because of Bwa Mem's input constraints?
Are those 8 files one sample or 8 samples?
Note that you can pipe the SamToFastq step directly to bwa mem: http://gatkforums.broadinstitute.org/gatk/discussion/6483/how-to-map-and-clean-up-short-read-sequence-data-efficiently#step3D
All the eight files belong to the same animal, so one sample, different flow cells.