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7.1 years ago
Is it possible to do Protein-dsRNA docking? What are the tools available for doing so?
Is it possible to do Protein-dsRNA docking? What are the tools available for doing so?
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There was such or very similar Biostar question, it's almost a duplication.
What Tool To Use For Protein-Rna Docking?
Have you tried googling? It may lead to some results, which, in turn, means the answer to your first question is "yes".
Dude ! Honestly what up with you? I tried googling and didn't get anything satisfactory which is why I'm here , If you so smart why not google it and get it for me
Dude, I searched for you! I included a link to a paper in my comment (here it is again: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4489298/)!
But maybe you should read first Tutorial: How To Ask Good Questions On Technical And Scientific Forums. (hint: there is an item titled "Show what you have done").
Alright well I didn't see the link in the first comment and Yes Thank you so much anyways and apologies if I was harsh there ! And regarding that server you had sent , That has been down for a couple of days , Haven't heard of it until probably last week so I just assumed , They would have taken it down ! Wondering if there are any other functional servers or tools out there and yes again Emphasis on the dsRNA , which has a double stranded structure quite different from dsDNA. Anyways , Thanks man