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6.5 years ago
Hi All
I have a file which Here are the first 14 lines of an Illumina "Final Report" CSV file:
GSGT Version 1.9.4
Processing Date 6/16/2015 3:09 PM
Content SheepHD_AgResearch_Cons_15041608_A.bpm
Num SNPs 606006
Total SNPs 606006
Num Samples 43
Total Samples 228
SNP Name Sample Name Allele1 - Top Allele2 - Top GC Score
250506CS3900140500001_312.1 Black A G 0.9562
250506CS3900176800001_906.1 Black G G 0.9347
250506CS3900211600001_1041.1 Black C C 0.7965
250506CS3900218700001_1294.1 Black A A 0.8392
I search to make ped and mp file and find " https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/plink2-users/LgdRh9mjlGc"
I used
tail -n+11 FinalReport.csv | cut -d, -f3,4 | tr -d ',' | tr -- '-\n' '0 ' | perl -pe 's/((([^ ]{2} ){1542}){1543}([^ ]{2} ){549})/$1\n/g' > test.out
its work but when I do
wc -l test.out
I get 10 sample instead of 43 sample (at head of final report write the file have 43 sample). I dont know where I made mistak.
dose anybody have any suggestion?
Read here and here