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6.2 years ago
Fatemeh Nabizadeh
Hello everybody Can you please help me in my haplotype analysis? I want to find out the relationship between my haplotypes and hormonal concentrations.
According to the data from SNP-analyzer, I have 3 haplotypes (2 SNPs): TT(h1)...TC(h2)...CC(h3) Every subject has 2 haplotypes, like this: h1,h2 or h1,h3
I'm confused since at last I have to report that just one haplotype affects the concentration of hormone. I do not know how to import my data into SPSS and how should I report.
Thanks in advance for your advice
As we don't know anything about your data, neither do we. What data do you have? How is it organized? Could you show a snippet of your data here?
Could you clarify if you really have an haplotype - that is, you have two sites with segregating SNPs, with the following possible haplotypes:
Or do you have one SNP with two alleles, and TT, TC and CC are the genotypes?
Thank you for your reply!
I have 2 SNPs which are in linkage disequilibrium. Each one containing 2 alleles (T and C). AND I have 4 genotypes: 1. SNP1 T/C...SNP2 T/C 2. SNP1 CC...SNP2 T/T 3. SNP1 T/T...SNP2 C/C 4. SNP1 T/C...SNP 2 T/T SNPanalyzer gave me 3 haplotypes as I mentioned; CT, TC and TT