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6.0 years ago
Hello, I have developed a pilot database for SNP data for various genotypes in my plant specie. I have used Python-Flask framework with Sqlite3 as the back-end. I have the sequence data for all the genes for every genotype.
I want to have a feature such that if a user wants to view a given gene for multiple genotypes, the server can display the multiple sequence alignment across the selected genotypes. Is there any plugin/program available for this ?
Thank You
Hi, are you looking for a specific platform/programming language? If Java is an option for you, the GC4S library (http://www.sing-group.org/gc4s/) has a easy-to-use component called MultipleSequenceAlignmentViewerPanel which can be used to display aligned sequences. You can see it in action here: https://github.com/sing-group/GC4S/tree/master/gc4s-multiple-sequence-alignment-viewer
Thanks Hugo for the lead, I will look into it