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5.9 years ago
I am creating the tagdirectories using Homer but can't get it to find the installed genome.
I am running
makeTagDirectory $tagdirname/$filename_tagDir -format HiCsummary $filename_Summary.txt -illuminaPE -removePEbg -restrictionSite GATC -genome mm10 -tbp 1
But get the error
!!! Could not find genome "mm10" !!!
Available Genomes:
Name Description
!!! No available genomes (run configureHomer.pl to load some) !!!
I have ran configureHomer.pl -install
mm10 from my home folder, and the folder where the script is ran. Note that .bash_profile
contains the path to /homer/bin/
and /homer/
. When I ran perl configureHomer.pl -list
it shows that mm10
is installed under GENOMES, and mouse-o
Anyone help please? Thanks in advance
I would simply specify the path to the fasta file: