bcftools-merge for vcf files
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4.9 years ago
evelyn ▴ 230


I have three vcf files created with bwa and bcftools. I have merged these three files using bcftools-merge command as following:

bcftools merge file1.vcf.gz fle2.vcf.gz file3.vcf.gz > out.vcf

And a snippet for file out.vcf looks like this:

    #CHROM  POS ID  REF ALT QUAL    FILTER  INFO    FORMAT      file1.sorted.bam    file2.sorted.bam    file3.sorted.bam
    1   687 .   G   A   42.4147 .   VDB=0.0298006;SGB=-0.556411;MQ0F=0.5;MQ=19;DP=4;DP4=0,0,0,4;AN=2;AC=2   GT:PL   ./.:.   1/1:72,12,0 ./.:.
    1   689 .   G   A   42.4147 .   VDB=0.0298006;SGB=-0.556411;MQ0F=0.5;MQ=19;DP=4;DP4=0,0,0,4;AN=2;AC=2   GT:PL   ./.:.   1/1:72,12,0 ./.:.
    1   701 .   T   A   42.4147 .   VDB=0.0221621;SGB=-0.556411;MQ0F=0.5;MQ=19;DP=4;DP4=0,0,0,4;AN=2;AC=2   GT:PL   ./.:.   1/1:72,12,0 ./.:.
    1   704 .   T   G   42.4147 .   VDB=0.0190094;SGB=-0.556411;MQ0F=0.5;MQ=19;DP=4;DP4=0,0,0,4;AN=2;AC=2   GT:PL   ./.:.   1/1:72,12,0 ./.:.
    1   708 .   C   T,A 20.4535 .   SGB=-0.379885;MQ0F=0;MQ=50;DP=2;DP4=0,0,0,2;AN=4;AC=2,2 GT:PL   1/1:50,3,0,.,.,.    ./.:.   2/2:40,.,.,3,.,0

Here, for example, for position 708, there are two ALT bases (T, A) which means at this position for reference base C, file1.sorted.bam has an ALT base, T; file2.sorted.bam has the same base as a reference that's why it has ./.:. and file3.sorted.bam has an ALT base, A.

So, using bcftools I want to make a file which looks something like this where the individual file columns have their assigned bases (both missing as reference base and an ATL base) so that I can use this vcf for further analysis:

#CHROM  ID      REF ALT     file1.sorted.bam    file2.sorted.bam    file3.sorted.bam
1       687     G   A           G   A   G
1       689     G   A           G   A   G
1       701     T   A           T   A   T
1       704     T   G           T   G   T
1       708     C   T,A         T   C   A

I have looked into other posts where GATK is used for such jobs but it also requires to use GATK to call the variants. For this analysis, I have to use bcftools for calling variants but I can use other software to merge the vcf files to get the required result.

Thank you so much for your help!

snp bcftools • 27k views
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So, using bcftools I want to make a vcf which looks something like this where the individual file columns have their assigned bases (both missing as reference base and an ATL base) so that I can use this vcf for further analysis:

That's not a VCF anymore, and I would strongly recommend to stick to commonly used file formats. That said, if I would have to solve your issue I would use python and the cyvcf2 module.

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That was my mistake to say I want a vcf file. You are right it won't be a vcf anymore. I have edited my question. Thank you for the suggestion. I have never used python or the cyvcf2 module. I will try them. Thank you!

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4.9 years ago

This will give you not the exact output as requested, but with another python/awk/... script you can do it quite easily:

bcftools +missing2ref out.vcf.vcf | bcftools query -f '%CHROM\t%POS\t%ID\t%REF\t%ALT[\t%TGT]\n'
1   687 .   G   A   G/G A/A G/G
1   689 .   G   A   G/G A/A G/G
1   701 .   T   A   T/T A/A T/T
1   704 .   T   G   T/T G/G T/T
1   708 .   C   T,A T/T C/C A/A

How would heterozygous position will look like in your desired output?

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Hello @finswimmer,

Thank you for your suggestion! I just found another post which says ./.:. means a missing observation and 0/0 means the same as the reference base. So I think I need the output something like this by replacing ./.:. with - and a 0/0 replaced by reference base :

 #CHROM  ID      REF ALT     file1.sorted.bam    file2.sorted.bam    file3.sorted.bam
    1       687     G   A           -   A   -
    1       689     G   A           -   A   -
    1       701     T   A           -   A   -
    1       704     T   G           -   G   -
    1       708     C   T,A         T   -   A

Thank you for pointing out heterozygous positions. I have pasted an example from the vcf file here:

   1    6440    .   G   T   21.279  . VDB=0.0264014;SGB=-0.511536;RPB=1;MQB=1;MQSB=1;BQB=1;MQ0F=0.25;MQ=15;ICB=1;HOB=0.5;DP=7;DP4=0,2,5,0;AN=4;AC=3 GT:PL   1/1:48,5,0  0/1:35,0,19 ./.:.

Here, for file2, the call is 0/1 and I was thinking to replace heterozygous calls with an N. I did not add this in my question earlier. But is there a way to address this along with homozygous positions?

Thank you for your help!

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just found another post which says ./.:. means a missing observation and 0/0 means the same as the reference base.

That is correct. So if you don't want to replace ./. with the reference, then you can omit the bcftools +missing2ref.

Try this to get your desired output:

input.vcf looks like this:

##FILTER=<ID=PASS,Description="All filters passed">
#CHROM  POS ID  REF ALT QUAL    FILTER  INFO    FORMAT  file1.sorted.bam    file2.sorted.bam    file3.sorted.bam
1   687 .   G   A   42.4147 .   .   GT  ./. 1/1 ./.
1   689 .   G   A   42.4147 .   .   GT  ./. 1/1 ./.
1   701 .   T   A   42.4147 .   .   GT  ./. 1/1 ./.
1   704 .   T   G   42.4147 .   .   GT  ./. 1/1 ./.
1   708 .   C   T,A 20.4535 .   .   GT  1/1 ./. 2/2
1   6440    .   G   T   21.279  .   .   GT  1/1 0/1 ./.

The run:

$ bcftools query -f '%CHROM\t%POS\t%ID\t%REF\t%ALT[\t%TGT]\n' merge.vcf | awk -v FS="\t" -v OFS="\t" '{for(i=6;i<=NF;i++) {split($i, gt, "/"); if(gt[1]==".") $i="-"; else if(gt[1]==gt[2]) $i=gt[1]; else $i="N";} print }'
1   687 .   G   A   -   A   -
1   689 .   G   A   -   A   -
1   701 .   T   A   -   A   -
1   704 .   T   G   -   G   -
1   708 .   C   T,A T   -   A
1   6440    .   G   T   T   N   -

The bcftools query give as the chrom, pos, id, ref, alt and the translated genotypes.

The awk script iterates over the genotypes and split them by /. If value 1 is equal to . it replaces the column with -. If value 1 is equal to value 2 it replaces the column with value 1. In all other cases it replaces the column with N.

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Thank you so much for your help! It works great. I understood the code as well. However, I am trying to keep the vcf file names to use this file for further analysis. I used -H option from bcftools query and it gives this header:

# [1]CHROM  [2]POS  [3]ID   [4]REF  [5]ALT  N   N   N

It replaced the vcf file names with N. Thank you for your time!

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See my answer here.


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