Hi all
I was trying to sort BED file using the following command sort -k1,1 -k2,2n in.bed > in.sorted.bed The description of bedtools closest here says
bedtools closest requires that all input files are presorted data by chromosome and then by start position
However I am getting the outcome as follows:
- chr22 38143248 38143734
- chr2 238168767 238169127
- chr22 38614588 38614867
- chr2 239347857 239348510
- chr22 39631244 39631333
- chr22 39686679 39687117
I am unable to understand why chr2 coordinates are sorted between chr22. I tried understanding how the sort -k options works from here. But It's unclear to me whether what I understand is correct or not.
Is it like in -k1,1, k1 sorts the results by values present in 1st column (chr here) and ,1 uses first character i.e c . Please help me understand it. Also what does n does to the sorting.
what is the output of
tr "\t" "#" < in.bed | head