I thought I understood the difference between Qcovs and Qcovhsp
I have a "reference" sequence 100bp long. I converted it into a custom blast database Reference_DB. So this database contains only 1 fasta sequence.
I ran BLAST using this command
blastn -db Reference_DB -query Query.fa -out Query_out.txt -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid pident evalue qcovs qcovhsp qlen" -max_target_seqs 1 -word_size 5
I wanted to BLAST against this reference Now my query sequence lengths are 100/150 bp so they are longer or equal to the reference length. So I assume that for 151 bp sequences even with 100% alignment, my Query cover cannot exceed 100/151 = 66.66% ish. But I still see sequences with 73%+ Qcov.
Query Sequence pIdent eValue Qcov QCovHSP Qlen
K00151:489:H5KKTBBXY:1:2118:10429:37818 Reference_DB 100 0.51 91 7 100
K00151:489:H5KKTBBXY:1:2118:10429:37818 Reference_DB 84.615 1.8 91 12 100
K00151:489:H5KKTBBXY:1:2118:10429:37818 Reference_DB 90 1.8 91 9 100
K00151:489:H5KKTBBXY:1:2118:10500:31576 Reference_DB 91.667 0.04 71 12 100
K00151:489:H5KKTBBXY:1:2118:10531:16225 Reference_DB 100 0.14 79 8 100
K00151:489:H5KKTBBXY:1:2118:10531:16225 Reference_DB 100 0.51 79 7 100
K00151:489:H5KKTBBXY:1:2118:10531:16225 Reference_DB 81.25 1.8 79 16 100
K00151:489:H5KKTBBXY:1:2118:10531:16225 Reference_DB 83.333 6.6 79 11 100
K00151:489:H5KKTBBXY:1:2118:10795:20304 Reference_DB 100 0.14 77 8 100
1) Why does my query coverage exceed 66.66% for the 151bp sequences? I can see that it doesnt go above 80% but I still see alignments with 73-74% Qcov (higher than 66%) How is this possible?
2) I used -max_target_seqs 1 and I am getting multiple hits for the same fasta. Is it correct to assume that max_target_seqs will just report all the HSPs it gets, restricted to that one sequence (since my reference only has 1 sequence anyway). So what do the multiple entries for the same fasta sequence mean ? I see the pIdent (for HSP) is 100% in the first row but the qcovhsp is just 7%
Thanks for your help
the command you used is not showing qcov and qcovhsp, what to do now
blastn -db Reference_DB -query Query.fa -out Query_out.txt -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid pident evalue qcovs qcovhsp qlen" -max_target_seqs 1 -word_size 5