Hi All, I have a small db of abut 100 sequencing shorter than 100bp.
I have some really short queries (5-30bp).
When I run blastn with -query myquery -subject mysubject I don't get any matches. I tried reducing the word size using the -word-size option, but still didn't get any matches even though I know they are there.
I know blast is overpowered for my little task, but I am using blast in my program for some other tasks, so it would be easiest if I could just finish it off without using another program.
Also I am using biopython for parsing the blast xml output, so if other program are suggested, please recommend something with a python parser.
It's not so much that BLAST is "overpowered" in this case, more "inappropriate". Just because you can force it to do short query alignment doesn't mean that's a good idea. Suggest you investigate other alignment tools.