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3.8 years ago
Hi, I ran my metagenomes through several tools (IPscan, EggNOG...) and now I wish to integrate and visualize my data for functional annotation and viewing pathways through KEGG for example. Do you know a tool for that ? MEGAN seems good but I don't know if I don't manage to use it just to visualize my data without running the whole pipeline (I already did the assembly bla bla bla and don't want MEGAN to run the analysys)
Thank you !
Hi! You can try
. Since you already have the assembled contigs, you can input them using option-r 0
It annotates the genes, and provides GO information, EC numbers, Pathway informations from metaCyc, plus outputs a table with functional annotations and hyperlinks like these ones:
Article: https://link.springer.com/protocol/10.1007/978-1-4939-7015-5_3