I am doing experiments with BWA and BowTie. Now, I am finding alignments using command:
./bwa aln -n 0 -k 41 database.fa SRR4493095_1.fastq > aln_sa.sai
./bwa samse database .fa aln_sa.sai SRR4493095_1.fastq > out_sa.sam
However, while BowTie gives 123 number of matches for 100 reads, BWA gives just 100 number of matches (one for each, does not reporting if match in another position found). Can anybody help me why is this happening and how to solve this ? I give -n 0 option because, I want to find matching allowing no mismatch.
Thanks in advance.
Can you help me, I try to solve this issue by using command:
Though xa2multi.pl is located on the folder but it says
xa2multi.pl : command not found
You need to make sure that you can execute your perl script properly. Specify the perl interpreter, or alternatively make sure the perl script is executable (chmod +x xa2multi.pl).
Thanks a lot. This works fine. Problem solved. Thanks to all of you.
search for the 256 bit flag in the SAM/BAM
How to do that ?
samtools view -f 0x0100 out_sa.sam
From the SAM specification, the 256 bit (0x0100 in hexadecimal) is set when the alignment is non primary, which happens when a read maps to two locations.