Entropy Of Dna Sequences
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10.4 years ago
mary • 0

Hi, I want to calculate the entropy of three sequences in python


the formula of entropy is:

Entropy (A[:][i])= - ∑  p_ia log( p_ia)
p_ia = C_ia /∑  C_ia'

where p_ia is the probability of letter a in column i ,and C_ia is the number of letter a in the column A[:][i]

example: from the above 3 sequences: first column:a' take the values C , A and C, here C_ia'= 3 , if a='C' C_ia=2 so p_ia=2 /3,

if a='A' C_ia=1 so p_ia=1 /3

Entropy (A[:][0])=-(2/3 log (2/3)+1/3 log(1/3))

the same thing for the rest of columns.

python • 7.5k views
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There's no question here. If you are trying to outsource work, please forward half your monthly paycheck to me and I will email you the solution.

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10.4 years ago
pld 5.1k

Here is a functional approach to the problem, it was designed to scan long sequences measuring the entropy with a n length sliding window.:

import sys
import numpy as np
import inspect
import itertools
##deal with X11 default issue 
#import matplotlib
from pylab import *
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

EPSILON = np.float64(1.0*10**-50)
DNA = ['A','C','G','T']
GAP = '-'

#functions for applying functions
def apply(f, x):
    return f(x)

def mapply(f, x):
    return map(f, x)

def rapply(f, x, red):
    return reduce(red, map(f,x))

def np_apply(f, x, type):
    #print '#################'
    #print 'fun: ' + inspect.getsource(f)
    #print 'arg: ' + str(x)
    #print 'map: ' + str(map(f,x))
    #print 'np: ' + str(np.array(map(f,x), dtype = type))
    #print '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@'
    return np.array(map(f, x), dtype = type)

def gen_apply(val): 
    return lambda f: apply(f, val)

def gen_mapply(vals):
    return lambda f: mapply(f, vals)

def gen_rapply(vals, red):
    return lambda f: rapply(f, vals, red)

#generates lambdas that return
#1 if the lambda argument matches
#the argument here else 0
def comparator(val, increment):
    return lambda x: increment if x == val else np.float64(0)

#generates comparators for all chars in alphabet
def gen_comparators(alpha, increment): 
    return map(lambda x: comparator(x, increment), alpha)

#functions for counting on sequences
def prior_norm_count(seqs):
    return np.float64(1.0 / (len(seqs) * len(seqs[0])))

#normalize counts for positional entropies
def post_norm_count(seqs):
    return np.float64(1.0 / len(seqs))

#generates a version of the apply function where the argument
#is valued to a list of characters present at the given 
#position in the alignment
def gen_position(seqs, pos, wlen): 
    return map(lambda x: x[pos:pos+wlen], seqs)

#generates positional functions for all positions in alignment
def gen_positions(seqs, alpha):
    return map(lambda x: gen_position(seqs, x, len(alpha[0])), 
#returns 1 if position has gaps else 0
def pos_gapped(pos):
    if True in map(lambda x: True if GAP in x else False, pos):
        return 1
        return 0

#returns a vector of positions containing gaps
def get_gaps(seqs, wlen):
    return np_apply(lambda x: x != None, np_apply(lambda x: x if pos_gapped(gen_position(seqs, x, wlen)) is 1 else -1, xrange(len(seqs[0])), np.int64), np.int64)

#returns a vector for the count of each char in alpha for the provided
def count_one_pos(comps, pos):
    return np_apply(lambda x: rapply(x, pos, lambda x,y:x+y), comps, 

#returns a matrix of the counts of each char in alpha for each
#position in the alignment
def count_all_pos(comps, seqs, alpha):
    return np_apply(lambda x: count_one_pos(comps, x), 
                                                 gen_positions(seqs, alpha),

#returns the a vector of the total counts for each char in alpha
#keeping position of char for position of counrs
def count_total(counts):
    return np_apply(lambda x: counts[:,x].sum(), xrange(len(counts[0])),
#functions for entropy calculations
#add epsilon to all values of a matrix
def add_epsilon(mat): return mat[:] + EPSILON

#calculate p*log2(p) values
def plogp(mat): return mat[:] * np.log2(mat[:])

#calculate prior entropy
def a_priori(seqs, alpha):
    return plogp(add_epsilon(count_total(count_all_pos(gen_comparators(alpha, prior_norm_count(seqs)), seqs, alpha)))).sum() * -1.0

#calculate positional entropy
def positional_entropy(seqs, alpha):
    return np_apply(lambda x: plogp(x).sum() * -1.0, add_epsilon(count_all_pos(gen_comparators(alpha, post_norm_count(seqs)), seqs, alpha)), np.float64)

#calculate positional ic
def positional_ic(seqs, alpha, prior):
    return prior - positional_entropy(seqs, alpha)[:]

#parse fasta formatted alignment
#returns a list of sequences
def fasta(indir):
    return [reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, x.split('\n')) for x in open(indir, 'rb').read().split('>')[1:]]

#generate alphabet of nmers
def gen_nmer(alpha, size):
    if size == 1: return alpha
    else: return [reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, x) for x in list(itertools.product(alpha, repeat=size))]

def __main__():
    alpha = gen_nmer(DNA, int(sys.argv[2]))
    seqs  = fasta(sys.argv[1])
    count = prior_norm_count(seqs)
    prior = a_priori(seqs, alpha)
    post  = positional_ic(seqs, alpha, prior)

    #calculate gapped positions
    gpos = filter(lambda x: x != -1, get_gaps(seqs, int(sys.argv[2])))
    x    = np.array(xrange(len(seqs[0])))
    npos = filter(lambda x: x not in gpos, x)    

    #other statistics
    avg = np.empty(len(seqs[0]), dtype = np.float64)
    std = np.empty(len(seqs[0]), dtype = np.float64)

    #generate plots
    plt.plot(x[gpos], post[gpos], 'r', label = 'Gapped Positions') 
    plt.plot(x[npos], post[npos], 'g', label = 'Ungapped Positions')
    plt.plot(x, avg, 'b', label = 'Average IC')
    plt.plot(x, avg + std, 'y', label = 'Mean+1 std')
    plt.plot(x, avg - std, 'y', label = 'Mean-1 std')
    plt.savefig(sys.argv[3], dpi=1024, format='pdf')


Karl does make a point, not in the best way, but if you're looking for a homework problem you should really try this on your own. Calculating sequence entropy is a very basic task but it can be a really fun coding problem. Because the calculations are so flexible, you can really explore programming solutions. Especially with python where you have lambdas, list comprehensions and some other fun tools. This is fun in Haskell as well.

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This is just my opinion, and maybe you just did this for fun, trying to replicate some haskell constructs, but by mixing python practices that are frowned on (filter, map, lambda in place of list comprehensions) with numpy arrays which you don't take advantage of, you are showing the worst of both worlds in terms of algorithmic efficiency and readability. For example, what does this do:

def positional_entropy(seqs, alpha):
    return np_apply(lambda x: plogp(x).sum() * -1.0, add_epsilon(count_all_pos(gen_comparators(alpha, post_norm_count(seqs)), seqs, alpha)), np.float64)

I can only guess based on the name. You should be able to do this in simple, clear numpy syntax using things like summing over an axis and using broadcasting and other numpy goodies.

For example this function:

#generates lambdas that return
#1 if the lambda argument matches
#the argument here else 0
def comparator(val, increment):
    return lambda x: increment if x == val else np.float64(0)

If you want to test an array to see if it is == val and return 0 or 1, you can do it as a list comprehension

[1 if x == val else 0 for x in arr]

or [int(x == val) else 0 for x in arr]

or using numpy (and assuming arr is a numpy array):

(arr == val).astype(int)

again, just my 0.02.

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Yep, as I said in my post, this was just as an exercise. The goal was to play with dynamically generating functions, minimize variable assignment, and play with function composition. Obviously this code isn't anything more than an silly exercise and obviously this isn't the most pythonic or fastest way to do it. I'd hope the competent python user would be able to see this.

I had originally intended to utilize the numpy arrays correctly but they weren't playing well with the functional approach I was taking, which was the goal of the exercise. A few places I do make use of numpy's ability to vectorize calculations.

Besides, it seems like OP is looking for homework, I didn't want to give it away too easily.

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Fair enough. some deleted comment (not by you) said my reply was snooty. That was not my intent. My intent was to point out that there are more pythonic and laconic ways of putting.

You definitely did minimize variable assignment.

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The major drawback to this approach is that there can be thousands of dynamically generated functions called thousands of times, in python you really want to avoid blowing the stack by generating new frames so frequently. I profiled this on a dataset of 70 2kbp sequences, it ends up with over a million calls to lambda functions alone, with tens of millions of calls total (e.g. 90k calls to map).

The design is cool IMO, but this approach is really slow. Writing some of these list comprehensions was fun too, you can really get a feel for the language. It also allows for dynamically generating switch cases in a functional (but not efficient way), a generator would probably be better suited for this.

I really do like this problem as an exercise, it is a great way to learn a new language and explore new aspects of old languages. It has room for just about every basic facet of your typical language.


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