I am using Biopython v 1.76. I have collected a list of SeqFeatures (containing specific qualifiers
and a SeqFeature.FeatureLocation
only) and added these to a SeqRecord
containing a Seq
seq_record = SeqRecord(seq_obj,
id = 'my_id',
annotations = {'extended_up':extended_up,
features = features_collected)
I am trying to write the SeqRecord
to a .gbk file using:
SeqIO.write(seq_record, 'plswork.gbk', 'genbank')
This gives me the following error:
ValueError: Need a Nucleotide or Protein alphabet
Initially I did not specify an alphabet for the seq_obj
object used in the SeqRecord
, as it looks like the alphabet concept is getting dropped and is marked as obsolete in the docs (https://biopython.org/docs/1.75/api/Bio.Alphabet.html).
However, when I got the error above, I tried to set the seq_obj
alphabet to SingleLetterAlphabet
- this gave the error TypeError: Invalid alphabet found, <class 'Bio.Alphabet.SingleLetterAlphabet'>
I also tried DNAAlphabet - this gave the error TypeError: Invalid alphabet found, <class 'Bio.Alphabet.DNAAlphabet'>
I'm not sure why the alphabets are invalid - they still seem to feature in the Biopython version I am using (https://biopython.org/docs/1.76/api/Bio.Alphabet.html).
Has anyone got any pointers?