Hi all,
When trying to filter reads using bbduk, I get the following error message:
maskMiddle was disabled because useShortKmers=true
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't read file '/home/bioinf/TrainingData/SRR6197336/SRR6197336_1.fastq'
at shared.Tools.testInputFiles(Tools.java:185)
at jgi.BBDuk.<init>(BBDuk.java:912)
at jgi.BBDuk.main(BBDuk.java:78)
This is my code:
~/Downloads/bbmap/bbduk.sh in1=~/TrainingData/SRR6197336/SRR6197336_1.fastq in2=~/TrainingData/SRR6197336/SRR6197336_2.fastq out1=~/TrainingData/reads/bbduk/SRR6197336_1_bbduk.fastq out2=~/TrainingData/reads/bbduk/SRR6197336_2_bbduk.fastq ktrim=r k=23 mink=11
I am not really sure what is going wrong here. Any help would be appreciated!
thanks for your note. despite having checked the paths carefully, I must have had a typo somewhere. copying the file location into the code did the trick. Thank you!