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3.3 years ago
I tried to download some fasta files from ENA today with following code:
cat fq.txt |while read id;
do ascp -QT -l 300m -P33001 -k 1 -v -i /home/tomas/.aspera/connect/etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh era-fasp@${id} . ;
One example line in my fq.txt:
But it comes with ascp: failed to authenticate
I'm sure the openssh exists in the path.
My code works well one or two weeks ago. I don't know why this happens. Does anyone know what's the problem?
Same here, probably a server thing at their side. Just wait a few hours and try again, usually errors like this vanish after some time.
Thanks ^_^
I also have the same problem. Did you figure it out?
There is nothing to figure out. Sometimes a server is down, and there is nothing else to do but wait for it to be up again.
Others are noticing that as well: EBI European Nucleotide Archive (ERA) aspera access broken Please create a ticket at EBI/ENA help desk to make them aware of the issue.
omg I have met just the same problem!! maybe the server is crashed lol