Hi friends I have a protein sequence and I want to locate this sequence. I need to use this sequence to find corresponding integrase protein record in UniProtKB. for this, I run BLAST for the sequence in UniProt and I find two results with 100% identity. which one I shoudl consider as my result? this is the result from UniProt
You need to make some of these decisions yourself. We can't see your data and any result has to be considered in totality. Other other than this summary you should check the alignments, coverage, which species you are interested in/is close to one you are working with.
In this case you are going to learn a little more about your organism of interest if you look into the genus species of the two identical hits. They are synonyms of the same organism, see here. It looks like in the past few years there was some cleaning up of the taxonomic nomenclature, see Garcia-Lopez et al 2019 cited there.
This could be helpful to know as you research this organism because citations prior to the revised classification will use the old name for the organism. And oftentimes even after a shift such as this, those that haven't yet learned about the improved names may continue to use the old nomenclature.