News:Online course - Metabarcoding in microbial Ecology
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2.2 years ago
carlopecoraro2 ★ 2.6k

Dear all,

We have the last 3 seats available on the Physalia course "Metabarcoding in microbial ecology".

Dates: online, 6-10 June

This course will provide a thorough introduction to the application of metabarcoding techniques in microbial ecology. The topics covered by the course range from bioinformatic processing of next-generation sequencing data to the most important approaches in multivariate statistics. Using a combination of theoretical lectures and hands-on exercises, the participants will learn the most important computational steps of a metabarcoding study from the processing of raw sequencing reads down to the final statistical evaluations. After completing the course, the participants should be able to understand the potential and limitations of metabarcoding techniques as well as to process their own datasets to answer the questions under investigation.

Course website:

Qiime2 Metabarcoding Microbial-Ecology • 476 views

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