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2.4 years ago
I have no trouble with the bwa installed on my machine to align reads to the reference genome. However, when I use snakemake with singularity, it seems like singularity can't locate bwa index files. Could you tell me if there is an easy way to fix this issue?
rule bwa:
Run bwa-mem
threads: 4
bwa mem -M -t {threads} {params.idx} {input.fq} > {output.outsam}
This is the error message when I run snakemake using singularity.
(ABL1) (base) ➜ ABL1 git:(docker) ✗ snakemake -j1 --use-singularity -U bwa -p
Building DAG of jobs...
Using shell: /bin/bash
Provided cores: 1 (use --cores to define parallelism)
Rules claiming more threads will be scaled down.
Job stats:
job count min threads max threads
----- ------- ------------- -------------
bwa 1 1 1
total 1 1 1
Select jobs to execute...
[Tue Sep 13 09:49:37 2022]
rule bwa:
input: analysis/pollux/ABL1.fq.gz
output: analysis/bwamem/ABL1.sam
log: logs/bwamem/ABL1.o, logs/bwamem/ABL1.e
jobid: 5
reason: Missing output files: analysis/bwamem/ABL1.sam
wildcards: sample=ABL1
resources: tmpdir=/tmp, mem_gb=20
bwa mem -M -t 1 /media/hd1/jkim/genome/ABL1_NM005157.4/index/ucsc/hg19/bwa/NM_005157_exons_4_to_7 analysis/pollux/ABL1.fq.gz > analysis/bwamem/ABL1.sam
Activating singularity image /home/jaykim/jkim/singularity/bwa-v0.7.17.sif
INFO: Converting SIF file to temporary sandbox...
WARNING: underlay of /usr/share/zoneinfo/Etc/UTC required more than 50 (56) bind mounts
[E::bwa_idx_load_from_disk] fail to locate the index files
INFO: Cleaning up image...
[Tue Sep 13 09:49:41 2022]
Error in rule bwa:
jobid: 5
I have no trouble running bwa without snakemake + singularity (I am using the bwa installed on my machine.)
(ABL1) (base) ➜ ABL1 git:(docker) ✗ bwa mem -M -t 1 /media/hd1/jkim/genome/ABL1_NM005157.4/index/ucsc/hg19/bwa/NM_005157_exons_4_to_7 analysis/pollux/ABL1.fq.gz > test.sam
[M::bwa_idx_load_from_disk] read 0 ALT contigs
[M::process] read 1599 sequences (444233 bp)...
[M::mem_process_seqs] Processed 1599 reads in 0.120 CPU sec, 0.120 real sec
[main] Version: 0.7.17-r1198-dirty
[main] CMD: bwa mem -M -t 1 /media/hd1/jkim/genome/ABL1_NM005157.4/index/ucsc/hg19/bwa/NM_005157_exons_4_to_7 analysis/pollux/ABL1.fq.gz
[main] Real time: 0.643 sec; CPU: 0.138 sec
if the index is a file then it should be input, not a param
Thanks for the input. It is not a file but I think it's got something to do with Bind paths and mount. I can be totally wrong but when I tried
--singularity-args "-B /path/outside/container/:/path/inside/container/"
option, it worked - stackoverflow-post. I will look into it more.yeah bwa can't see
if it's running inside a container, snakemake will create theoutside:inside
mapping relationships if knows those are crucial input. I would listing the index files as input and usebasename
to specify its parent directory in the command itselfCould you mind telling me how? I can do the first thing for sure (the index files as input) but I don't think I understand the second part.