Hi Biostars,
I try to do velocity analysis and it needs a loom file so I need to run velocyto. To run velocyto, I need a gtf file and after reading the material below, I still get lost on how to get it. Would you please have a suggestion? Thank you so much!
Thanks ATpoint! I think I can get the gtf file at: https://cf.10xgenomics.com/supp/cell-exp/refdata-gex-GRCh38-2020-A.tar.gz but velocyto also need repeat_msk.gtf which I don't know how to get after reading 10x website. Would you please have a suggestion?
You can get from here- UCSC. Just click on get output botton.
Yes, thank you! I figured it out but I got an error:
Inside WT/outs I have some folders such as filtered_feature_bc_matrix. Inside filtered_feature_bc_matrix, I have barcodes.tsv.gz
line 91, in run10x.
bcfile = bcmatches[0].
IndexError: list index out of range.
Would you please have a suggestion?
a possible suggestion: the masked repeats you were pointed to in this thread are from UCSC while your alignment was done using Ensembl reference?