Entering edit mode
14 months ago
I am trying to use Illustrator to edit a saved IGV picture (in SVG format). Frustratingly, IGV's saved SVG is very complicated and contains many layers and data making it difficult to edit. Has anyone experienced this and has a work-around/ can recommend another tool/technique to get the same kind of visualization? (Basically, I am trying to show what the IGV tracks already show, albeit without more of the unnecessary things).
Thank you :)
I wrote BAM2SVG, http://lindenb.github.io/jvarkit/BamToSVG.html , the svg should be smaller.
Thanks. Do you have example photos? The links in the gallery are no longer working.
I just tested, the link https://twitter.com/yokofakun/status/522415314425090048 , it works.
Not for me, it says there's a typo. Could you paste a screenshot?