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9 months ago
Hi there, I downloaded locuszoom in it's entirty from their github page. I have everything in order but when I attempt to run the following I get an error:
locuszoom_test/bin/locuszoom --metal chr7.snx13.marker.locuszoom.metal --ld chr7.imputed.concat.sorted.nomono.80.recode.maf01.pheno.vcf.2.ld.locuszoom.input --refsnp rs1533245 --prefix chr7.snx13.rs1533245
/share/hennlab/progs/locuszoom_test/bin/../src/m2zfast.py:82: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\d'
RE_SNP_1000G = re.compile("chr(\d+|[a-zA-z]+):(\d+)$");
/share/hennlab/progs/locuszoom_test/bin/../src/m2zfast.py:83: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\d'
RE_SNP_RS = re.compile("rs(\d+)");
/share/hennlab/progs/locuszoom_test/bin/../src/m2zfast.py:82: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\d'
RE_SNP_1000G = re.compile("chr(\d+|[a-zA-z]+):(\d+)$");
/share/hennlab/progs/locuszoom_test/bin/../src/m2zfast.py:83: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\d'
RE_SNP_RS = re.compile("rs(\d+)");
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/share/hennlab/progs/locuszoom_test/bin/locuszoom", line 26, in <module>
from m2zfast import main
File "/share/hennlab/progs/locuszoom_test/bin/../src/m2zfast.py", line 109
exec "self.%s = v" % str(k);
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'exec'. Did you mean exec(...)?
Has anyone gotten this before? Not sure how to fix it
You're 100% correct, I loaded 2.7 but the default was overriding it. Creating a conda env with only 2.7 worked. Thank you!