Hi, I did some analysis in DESeq2 to look at the different gene expression between different condition
condition_breakfast$group2 <- factor(paste0(condition_breakfast$Braccio, condition_breakfast$Campione)
condition_breakfast$group3 <- factor(paste0(condition_breakfast$Braccio, condition_breakfast$Campione, condition_breakfast$Risposta))
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=raw,
design=~ group2)
dds <- DESe2(dds)
res_AL <- results(dds_tot, contrast=c("group2", "AL", "AL"))
dds_tot <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=raw,
design=~ group3)
dds_tot <- DESeq(dds_tot)
res_totAL <- results(dds_tot, contrast=c("group3", "ALRD", "ALpCR"))
now I want to see if adding "Risposta" in the condition, so in the design, is significant or not to change the gene expression. How I can do it?
I look at the gene and they are different, in particulare in dss_tot they are more but I want to understand if is significant or not.
Thank you