News:Online course: Population Genomic Inference from Low-Coverage Whole-Genome Sequencing Data
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22 days ago
carlopecoraro2 ★ 2.5k

Dear all,

We are excited to announce that registrations are now open for our upcoming online course (5th edition) "Population Genomic Inference from Low-Coverage Whole-Genome Sequencing Data" taking place from October 21-24.

Course website:

Course Overview: This course offers a cost-effective approach to survey genome-wide variation at a population scale using low-coverage sequencing. Participants will learn how to navigate the challenges of high genotyping uncertainty through probabilistic frameworks, essential for accurate population genomic inference.

Key topics include:

  • Workflows centered around genotype likelihoods for whole-genome and reduced representation studies.
  • Methods and algorithms in the ANGSD software package and related programs.
  • Best-practice guidelines for processing and analyzing low-coverage sequencing data.

Target Audience: This course is ideal for researchers with experience in next-generation sequencing (NGS) (e.g., exome, RAD, pooled sequencing) who are interested in low-coverage whole-genome sequencing. It is also suitable for those seeking an introduction to the ANGSD software and its probabilistic framework.

Prerequisites: Participants should have a basic background in population genomics and familiarity with NGS data. Knowledge of UNIX-based command line and R is advantageous. Participants without prior experience in Unix and R should complete suggested tutorials beforehand, as the course will not cover these environments in detail.

Course Outcomes:

By the end of the course, participants will:

  • Understand the use of whole-genome sequencing for population genomics.
  • Recognize the challenges and statistical frameworks of low-coverage sequencing data.
  • Be able to build bioinformatic pipelines for various population genomic analyses using ANGSD/ngsTools/Atlas.

Teaching Format: The course includes interactive lectures, small exercises, and longer independent practical sessions each day. Data for exercises will be provided.

Genotype-Likelihoods Low-Coverage Population-Genomics ANGSD • 170 views

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