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5 months ago
I performed DE analysis on single cell data using Seurat, following the pseudobulk tutorial on this page. After DE analysis, I drew a volcano plot, and the result is a non-centered volcano plot.
The center of the volcano plot is not located at 0 on the x-axis. I looked into the reason for this and found that this problem occurs when there is a problem with fc.slot
when analyzing using the FindMarkers() function in Seurat, but I couldn't find a proper solution. How can I solve this problem? I used Seurat v.5.
Please help me. Thank you for help!
My suggestions would be to plot an MA-plot first, and show this. Usually non-centered plots indicate poor normalization. Which test did you run?
I ran DESeq2 as a test! Bottom line is, I solved this problem! It was caused by creating pseudo-bulk data and not running the
function. This problem is now solved.