Sorry for the newbie question, but I am having a hard time trying to figure out how to retrieve the set of all curated RefSeq transcripts (with accession prefix NM_
) from hg18. Could you help me build the SQL query for this?
Sorry for the newbie question, but I am having a hard time trying to figure out how to retrieve the set of all curated RefSeq transcripts (with accession prefix NM_
) from hg18. Could you help me build the SQL query for this?
mysql --user=genome --host=genome-mysql.cse.ucsc.edu -D hg18 -e 'SELECT chrom,txStart,txEnd,strand,cdsStart,cdsEnd,exonCount,name from refGene LIMIT 10'
| chrom | txStart | txEnd | strand | cdsStart | cdsEnd | exonCount | name |
| chr20 | 764710 | 774922 | + | 773447 | 774335 | 2 | NM_207121 |
| chr9 | 139406074 | 139437535 | - | 139437535 | 139437535 | 3 | NR_104599 |
| chr21 | 42315181 | 42318098 | + | 42318098 | 42318098 | 2 | NR_119385 |
| chr21 | 42302371 | 42318098 | + | 42318098 | 42318098 | 2 | NR_119384 |
| chr17 | 45993427 | 46059831 | + | 46059831 | 46059831 | 35 | NR_046057 |
| chr7 | 44120803 | 44129694 | - | 44120908 | 44129683 | 11 | NM_006230 |
| chr5 | 134209268 | 134223324 | + | 134218489 | 134219056 | 2 | NM_152409 |
| chr5 | 75005779 | 75044036 | - | 75006015 | 75043965 | 11 | NM_152408 |
| chr12 | 54882554 | 54901982 | - | 54886497 | 54890496 | 8 | NM_194358 |
| chrX | 154140712 | 154147068 | - | 154143281 | 154146767 | 2 | NM_171998 |
Check the table schema for refGene from ucsc table browser.
Thanks. Actually I wanted to check the following statement from a recent paper:
The set of transcripts used in this experiment were the curated RefSeq transcripts (accession prefix NM) from hg18 (31,148 transcripts).
However I don't find the same number by querying RefGene from hg18:
mysql> select distinct count(*) as total from refGene where name like "NM%";
| total |
| 38938 |
1 row in set (0,31 sec)
Is something wrong in my interpretation or in my query?
Thanks for your help.
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The NM IDs in RefSeq are not unique. One transcript can occur on several loci. Perhaps that might explain the difference.