I'm new here and and I need help please!
I need to download a list of all human genes with their respective gene symbol | chromosome | strand | transcription start site | Txen | and Ensembl gene name,
Actually I'm using UCSC table and I get something like this:
#hg38.knownGene.name hg38.knownGene.chrom hg38.knownGene.strand hg38.knownGene.txStart hg38.knownGene.txEnd hg38.kgXref.geneSymbol
uc001aaa.3 chr1 + 11873 14409 DDX11L1
And I want to know if it's possible to include ensembl gene symbol with UCSC table or with another method
Thank you in advance
Hi! Do you tried Biomart?
I'm about to try (until now I do not know how proceed :/)