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13.5 years ago
I'm trying to use mapsplice,I used an SRA database file ERR015688.fastq , against hg19 reference genome and bowtie index into the same directory
my command:
$ python bin/mapsplice_segments.py -Q fq -u /storage/gwajnberg/ERR015688/ERR015688.fastq -c /storage/data/gabriel/ucsc/hg19/ -B /storage/data/gabriel/ucsc/hg19/hg19 -o /storage/gwajnberg/mapsplice_out/
what happened:
[Wed Aug 31 16:07:31 2011] Preparing output location /storage/gwajnberg/mapsplice_out//
[Wed Aug 31 16:07:32 2011] Beginning Mapsplice run (v1.15.2)
bin directory: [/storage/app/MapSplice_1.15.2/bin/]
[Wed Aug 31 16:07:32 2011] Checking for chromosomes files or directory
base name of chromosome file not consistent with chromosome name
base chromosome file name:hg19
chromosome name:chr10
[Wed Aug 31 16:07:32 2011] format chromosome files
[Wed Aug 31 16:09:43 2011] Checking for Bowtie index files
[Wed Aug 31 16:09:43 2011] Indexing chromosome sequences
[Wed Aug 31 19:09:30 2011] check reads format
read name contain blank space or tab
the 1th read in /storage/gwajnberg/ERR015688/ERR015688.fastq
@ERR015688.1 F2JR09301DGOLY length=270
Error: check reads format failed
Does anyone know what happened??? thanks
I 've discovered what happened example: @ERR015688.1 F2JR09301DGOLY length=270 It doesn t accept blank spaces...so I had to remove them...then it worked... now the program stopped at another point!
can you add the the result of "head -n 20 /storage/gwajnberg/ERR015688/ERR015688.fastq" ?
I had the same error... you can use ´sed 's/ /_/g' ERR015688.fastq´
I had the same error... and I use: sed 's/ /_/g' reads.fastq and then works nice.