Hi everyone,
I am trying to install tophat-2.0.12.Linux_x86_64
and bowtie2-2.2.3
on a server that has an older version of these software
After unzipping the files I put it in my path by modifying .bashrc
echo $PATH
shows it is in path
Now when I type which tophat
, it give me the location
which is the other place it is installed with older version. So when I run the command from the folder where my binaries are
./tophat2 -o shams -G Homo_sapiens.gtf -p 8 ref_ensemble/GRCh38.dna A.fastq --segmentlength 37
I get this error
Beginning TopHat run (v2.0.12)
[2015-01-23 19:03:27] Checking for Bowtie
Error: TopHat requires Bowtie 2.0.5 or later
As on server old version is installed bowtie-0.12.7 while the version that I download and put in path is bowtie2-2.2.3
How can force tophat to use this new version and ignore older version installed on server