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10.0 years ago
I am running:
/usr/local/bin/bcl2fastq --runfolder-dir /runFolderReadOnly --output-dir /fastqReadAndWrite
However, getting the error:
Unable to open InterOp file '/runFolderReadOnly/InterOp/IndexMetricsOut.bin' for writing
Why is this trying to write to the non-output folder? Thanks!
I might be wrong but shouldn't it be --input-dir instead of --runfolder-dir?
is fine if you are using the v2.1.5 tool for NextSeq or HiSeq X. If you give--runfolder-dir
it assumes input-dir is<runfolder-dir>/Data/Intensities/BaseCalls/
However, there is a separate tool v1.8.x for all other Illumina instruments that does not have the runfolder-dir argument: http://support.illumina.com/downloads/bcl2fastq_conversion_software_184.html
Are you sure the directory names are
instead of/fullpath/to/runFolderReadOnly
? Something odd that they are located in root dir.Its actually a full path that was previously set up with many subdirectories but I changed it to other ones for simplicity