I have a number of PDBs which have at least 85% homology. What would be the best by way to identify the structure which best represents all the PDBs.
I tried to use Chimera's ensemble cluster but my PDBs have an unequal amount of atoms and cannot be achieved through this route.
A structure that is least "furthest away" from all the others
what do you mean by representative structure?
For example if I have structres A,B and C in my dataset. If i say i calcaulted a "divergence distance" between A and C to be 3 and between A and B to be 1.5. The divergence distance between B and C is also 1.5. PDB B would then become the representative structre because it most like the other structres A and C. The term "divergence distance" and the number values were completely made up. I used them to hopefully clarify my question.