OK, I don't know much things about Drosophilia but its seems that the UCSC has already computed the BLASt alignment in dm3.hgBlastTab. I've tried to link the table flyBaseGene to the human table kgXref that describes the human genes, via dm3.flyBaseGene:
mysql --user=genome --host=genome-mysql.cse.ucsc.edu -A -D dm3
mysql> select * from
dm3.flyBaseGene as F ,
dm3.hgBlastTab as B,
hg19.knownGene as G,
hg19.kgXref as X
G.name=B.target and
X.kgId=G.name and
limit 1\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
bin: 637
name: CG10354-RA
chrom: chr2L
strand: +
txStart: 6908086
txEnd: 6911432
cdsStart: 6908165
cdsEnd: 6910892
exonCount: 1
exonStarts: 6908086,
exonEnds: 6911432,
query: CG10354-RA
target: uc002wsf.1
identity: 56.59
aliLength: 827
mismatch: 316
gapOpen: 11
qStart: 0
qEnd: 789
tStart: 0
tEnd: 822
eValue: 0
bitScore: 889
name: uc002wsf.1
chrom: chr20
strand: +
txStart: 21283941
txEnd: 21370463
cdsStart: 21284036
cdsEnd: 21369976
exonCount: 30
exonStarts: 21283941,21306916,21307127,21309196,21311118,21311253,21312198,21312405,21312920,21314181,21314341,21314574,21314715,21319681,21321358,21324727,21327052,21328783,21328978,21330026,21335426,21336717,21337223,21338373,21346058,21346210,21349100,21362631,21367505,21369910,
exonEnds: 21284111,21307044,21307239,21309308,21311177,21311343,21312271,21312456,21313078,21314256,21314475,21314632,21314823,21319726,21321490,21324846,21327188,21328891,21329068,21330099,21335510,21336815,21337303,21338430,21346127,21346342,21349228,21362695,21367644,21370463,
proteinID: Q9H0D6
alignID: uc002wsf.1
kgID: uc002wsf.1
mRNA: NM_012255
spID: Q9H0D6
spDisplayID: XRN2_HUMAN
geneSymbol: XRN2
refseq: NM_012255
protAcc: NP_036387
description: 5'-3' exoribonuclease 2
1 row in set (0.22 sec)
I trust Compara at pretty much the highest level that I do for in silico results I haven't produced myself. Read more about how Compara gene trees are constructed here to form your own judgement: http://www.ensembl.org/info/docs/compara/homology_method.html
This is an incredible resource . How much do you trust it though? A lot of money is riding on this screen and I want to express the appropriate amount of caution to my collaborators regarding its accuracy.
This is a good approach and I've voted it up. Two issues I have with pre-calculated results are 1) When was this done and how many new genes/mRNA isoforms were not part of the comparisons? 2) What comparison parameters were used to make the assignments? Those are often not well described.