I have two small questions: 1. Which functionality is missing in your bio-programs and what you would like to have (any small or big feature)? 2. What is the most annoying feature in the bio-software you are using (besides of price :)).
I have two small questions: 1. Which functionality is missing in your bio-programs and what you would like to have (any small or big feature)? 2. What is the most annoying feature in the bio-software you are using (besides of price :)).
If I could find a program which could take care of my wet lab work, well, that would be great.
Dear vytasarov,
Here is my number 2: "The source code being not available"
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The only place I ever see "bio-program" written is in these sorts of threads, and my washing machine.
I am glad to hear that you expend your knowledge.