I am thinking how to set the appropriate paramters for running bismark in PBS system.The following is the pattern I am appling now. Any suggestion to make the settting more perfect? I mean to use less computational source while with less time (human: hg19).
Setting of bismark alignment in PBS system (DNA methylation, BS-seq, RRBS)
- multicore=1, ppn=8, memory=3.2G*6=19.2G
- multicore=2, ppn=16, memory=3.2G*12=38.4G
For majority queue, ppn=16, memory= 64G, therefore, for condo, multicore=2 is okay. don't set too larger multicore, no help for more multicore setting.
For bismark Alignment
note: '-p 1' will already use
4 threads/cores for Bowtie2 (3.2G/per) plus 1 additional core for Bismark itself
2 threads/cores for Perl (3.2G/per)
2 threads/cores for SAMTOOLS
note: '-p 2' will already use
8 threads/cores for Bowtie2 (3.2G/per) plus 1 additional core for Bismark itself
4 threads/cores for Perl (3.2G/per)
4 threads/cores for SAMTOOLS
For bismark_methylation_extractor
if you set ppn=6, then --multicore=2 || ppn=12, then --multicore=4
*--multicore=1 , require 3 threads
1 threads/cores for bismark_methylation_extractor (? G/per)
1 threads/cores for Gzip (? G/per)
1 threads/cores for SAMTOOLS (? G/per)
*--multicore=2, require 6 threads
2 threads/cores for bismark_methylation_extractor (? G/per)
2 threads/cores for Gzip (? G/per)
2 threads/cores for SAMTOOLS (? G/per)